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Карп КОИ и линь
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Неокаридина sp
Неокаридина sp


Неокаридина sp
Описание: самка с яйцами
Слова для поиска: креветка
Дата: 08.02.2005 07:55
Просмотров: 1087
Скачиваний: 0
Рейтинг: 0.00 (0 Голос(ов))
Размер фотографии: 16.5 KB
Добавлен: user367

Автор: Комментарий:

Дата присоединения: 22.07.2011
Комментарии: 6

Since so much is changing in World of Warcraft, I figured why not change theWailing Caverns.
I guess it will be the same with Razorfen Downs, but my characters aren't up to there yet in their LFG leveling game.
But in general, Wailing Caverns and Razorfen Kraul are two lowbie instances where a Horde cross-over can look all uber knowledgable and educated by taking the directional lead of a group of Alliance payers.
Wailing Caverns is one that I find the tanks often leave the party as soon as they zone in when I'm in there on my Shaman who cannot tank. They leave partially because the instance is so darned long, but also because as a Tank it's generally your responsibility to lead direction and get the group from the start of the instance to the end.
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22.07.2011 09:03 Offline tupiang

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